Chris Johnson and Carl Hesselein climb the wall (Shaun Walker, Times-Standard)
Date: Saturday, May 12, 2007
Start Location: Ferndale
Number of Riders: 980
Tour Director: Vic Armijo
This year lacked rainfall but had stiff breezes along the beach. This could have been the year that a local won (oops I mean finished fastest). However, Tinker Juarez was a celebrity rider. I witnessed him big ring the bottom of Panther Gap and drop everyone in the process, never to look back. For Tinker's recollection of the ride check out his blog article.
Top Finishers
1. Tinker Juarez, 5:26:36
2. Dave Figueiredo, 5:29:09
3. Matt Bowman, 5:31:11
4. Humberto Faria, 5:32:05
5. James Robbins, 5:32:50
6. Tom Phillips, 5:32:51
7. Tim Windbigler, 5:35:08
8. Chris Johnson, 5:36:49
9. Carl Hesselein, 5:37:01
10. Ken House, 5:37:25
Tinker big-ringing Panther Gap
(Christina Russ Photography)
1. Jennifer Johnson, 6:28:00
2. Sage Tauber, 6:32:40
3. Beth Abels, 6:34:20
4. Pamela Jennings, 6:42:42
5. Jacquie Phelan, 7:49:04
Jennifer Johnson enjoying the endless hill? (Christina Russ Photography)
Complete 100-mile results:
Eureka Reporter article "Not so unknown coast" by Brian Demain, May 10, 2007. Click on the link below for the article.
Here is the best story I have ever read about a rider's first tour, written by a real author with a super photographic eye. It has one of the best pictures of the WALL I have ever seen. Thanks Jack for letting me post this! Click on the link below for the story.
Eureka Reporter article "Angel on his shoulder" by Brian Demain, May 13, 2007, page c8. Click on the article for a larger view.

Times-Standard article "Tour of the Unknown Coast" by Shaun Walker, May 13, 2007. Click on the article for a larger view.

Thanks to Christina Russ Photography for two of the above photos. She has hundreds of high quality photos from the 2007 tour and can be reached at
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